Sunday, October 24, 2010

Cats are Cool (sometimes)

"To gain the friendship of a cat is a difficult thing. The cat is philosophical, methological, quiet animal, tenacious of it's own habits, fond of order and cleanliness, and it does not lightly confer its friendship. If you are worthy of its affection, a cat will be your friend, but never your slave. He keeps his free will, though he loves, and he will not do for you what he thinks is unreasonable. But if he once gives himself to you it is with absolute confidence and affection"
- Theophile Gautier, 1850

While dogs constitute the lion's share of our business, an increasing number of Victorians are going on vacations and leaving their cats at home.

Being of an independent nature, most cats are just fine with this arrangement.  Providing, of course, that their owners have made arrangements for substitute servants to come by to change their litter and replenish their food.

This is where we come in.

We love cats...just about as much as dogs...and we consider it to be a perk of the trade to get to meet so many of them.  But the thing about just never know what you're going to get.  Some cats are affectionate and are there to greet us at the door, meowing and purring for attention the moment we walk in.

And then, there's Baxter...the gorgeous Abyssinian also known as Psycho Cat.

Happy and affectionate one minute.  Hissing and scratching the next.

It never gets dull.